Grade 8 - Pumas
Welcome to the 8th grade Puma team! Our team utilizes several teaching methods to enhance students learning, including hands-on activities, interdisciplinary units, and parallel teaching. In addition, we emphasize diversity and reading comprehension across the curriculum. Our students learn in a positive environment where students can grow both academically and socially.
Puma Team Members:
Kelly Schettler - Team Leader - Math 8 and Algebra I
Erica Quale - History
Rani Nelson - Earth Science
Erin Finneman - English 8
Robert Fuller - Career Education
Lacey Schon - Communications
Wes Carr - Art
Vannessa Forkin - Special Education
Karli Mann - Math Strategies
Puma teachers meet everyday between 1:47-2:30 pm. Please call during that time if you have any questions or concerns. We can be reached at 323-4650 ext. 5668.