Welcome to WMS Athletics
Parents-If you are looking for schedules or updates on cancellations, please click on the Wachter Events & Activities Calendar. This is the most up-to-date location for this type of information. You can also subscribe to have immediate updates sent to your own phone or personal calendar.
2024 Wachter Fall Sport Start Information
2024-2025 6th Grade Activities Information
Wachter Gear 2024-2025
2024-2025 Athletic Registration Information
- 2024-2025 Athletic Registration will open on July 1. As of this date, you will be able to register your student for next year's activities. As always, please remember to register them for all activities you believe they may participate in. This will keep you from having to go back into the system later in the year.
- Athletic Registration, you must have:
- Your student's physical dated after April 15, 2024 and uploaded to the registration (a physical is not required for incoming 6th graders)
- The Athletic Registration site DOES NOT take or track payments. Please disregard any information you see on that site regarding payment. To make a payment for an activity fee, please use MyPayments Plus beginning August 1st.
- If you run into problems with a username or password please contact Mr. Hinderer.
- My Payments Plus will be open for fee payment beginning on August 1st.
*Please make sure you have completed the online registration, uploaded your child's physical and pay your child's activity fee
Fall Sports
Winter Sports
Spring Sports
WMS Activities Schedule
WMS Activities Director
Dallas Hinderer
Activities Director
Online Activity Registration
BPS Activities Announcements
- Sports Picture Ordering
- Parent Activities Information
- Parent Activities Brochure
- Student Activity Responsibilities
- Safeguarding Student Eligibility
- Purchasing Activity Passes
- Activities Office Location
Sports Picture Ordering
Parent Activities Information
Parent Activities Brochure
Student Activity Responsibilities
Safeguarding Student Eligibility
Purchasing Activity Passes
Activities Office Location
Coach's Contact Information
MyPaymentsPlus - MyPaymentsPlus is linked directly to your student’s school information, enabling us to show real-time balances and invoices. Whether you’re viewing meal purchases, renting a locker, or paying for activities, MyPaymentsPlus ensures you never miss a beat. You can also sign up to receive free low-balance emails.
Facilities Rental fees are also payable with MyPaymentsPlus, just enter the invoice number and amount under the “Other” option.