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6th Grade Course Offerings


COURSE DESCRIPTIONS - SIXTH GRADE CLASSES – 2025/2026DIGITAL LITERACY 6…......Full Year (Every other day/1 period)

Students will learn and apply technology skills.  They will use technology tools to communication and collaborate, to access and evaluate information, and to create and present relevant products.  Students will also learn and demonstrate ethical behaviors and responsible use of technology tools.

ENGLISH 6..........Full Year – 1 Period per Day

Students will learn skills for effective written and oral communication by studying grammar, usage, spelling, and conventions of capitalization and punctuation. Students will gain experience with writing informative/explanatory texts, narratives, and arguments to support claims. Gaining experiences of using research to support student writing and speaking will be a focus along with integrating media and multi-media components.

MATH 6..........Full Year – 1 Period per Day

The choice for most 6th grade students.  Math 6 is aligned to the North Dakota State Standards for mathematics.  Students focus on multiplying and dividing fractions and decimals, and converting fractions, decimals and percent.  Students begin writing and solving equations.  Area and perimeter are also studied.  All students will be registered for 6th grade math and will be placed in specific math courses after math assessment scores are analyzed. 

PHYSICAL EDUCATION 6.......... Full Year (Every other day/1 period)

Students will engage in activities to promote the benefits of physical activity and set goals relating to personal fitness. They will work toward improved motor performance during modified team and/or individual sports throughout the course.

READING 6..........Full Year – 1 Period per Day

Students will be taught skills and strategies for reading in the content areas (non-fiction) as well as the skills and strategies for reading literature.

SCIENCE 6..........Full Year – 1 Period per Day

In 6th grade science we introduce students to the scientific method, metric measurement, matter, energy, and forces and motion.                                                                                                                                                        

SOCIAL STUDIES 6…......Full Year – 1 Period per Day

Study begins with early civilizations in SW Asia, followed by Ancient Greece, the Roman Empire, Ancient China, and the Middle Ages.  The importance of geography, political systems, difference in cultures, and the contributions and accomplishments of these early people are the focus.


ART 6.........Semester - 1 Period per Day- Class fee $20.

Students will create works of using beginning techniques in drawing, painting & clay sculpture. They will be exploring pencil, colored pencil, tempera & clay to name a few.

EXPLORING WORLD CULTURES 6……..Semester – 1 Period per Day

This is a 6th grade semester course designed for students to learn more about themselves, and, as an extension, learn more about others as we explore what it means to be a leader in an increasingly global world.  Classroom activities will be focused on appreciating and understanding the perspectives and life experiences of others.  As students develop a deeper understanding of the cultural backgrounds of their peers, they will engage in activities with the English language learner class where they will be able to showcase their leadership and empathy skills through collaboration.  Through this class, students will improve their leadership and communication skills with activities that develop multicultural understandings and promote inclusivity.

FACS 6 (Family and Consumer Science) .........Semester - 1 Period per Day- Class fee $20.

FACS 6 is a comprehensive course designed to give students the opportunity to explore and develop skills they will use daily to improve the quality of their lives today and in the future.  Students will explore topics such as:  My Plate and preparing healthy foods, career exploration, communication skills, leadership skills, family, felt sewing projects, and making good life choices for themselves

INTRODUCTION TO TECHNOLOGY 6.........Semester – 1 Period per Day- Class fee $20.

This class will give you the opportunity to see what Technology Education has to offer you now and in 7th and 8th grades. You will learn about the history of technology and where it can take you in your future. Critical thinking, design and problem solving are a part of the activities in this class.  You will be introduced to several systems of technology and may explore one or more of them through study and hands-on activities. 

BAND 6..........Full Year - 1 Period per Day

6th Grade Band meets daily. Emphasis is placed on playing fundamentals, music performance and large ensemble playing with an introduction to small ensemble playing. The band performs throughout the year at concerts along with the opportunity to play at a solo/ensemble festival. All interested students are invited to participate.

CHOIR 6..........Full Year - 1 Period per Day

6th Grade Choir is a non-auditioned choir open to all 6th grade students.  Students will learn basic concepts of proper singing techniques through daily practice.  Students will develop new skills individually as well as in a choral ensemble.  Choir members are given the opportunity to explore different genres of music, music history, and music theory through vocal music literature.  Members will perform in required concerts (two per semester) with opportunities to further their abilities in optional events such as:  State, Regional and National Honor Choirs and Middle School Music Festival.

SHOW CHOIR is an extracurricular activity made up of members of choir selected by audition.  Popular, choreographed music is performed at concerts and other functions.  Students must be a member of 6th, 7th or 8th grade choir in order to audition.

ORCHESTRA 6..........Full year – 1 period – 1 Period per Day

Orchestra is an elective full year course for students who play the violin, viola, cello, or bass. Students will be introduced to both large and small ensemble performance while continuing to develop and improve their musical skills and knowledge of literature. Students will participate in musical performances for the school and community and have the opportunity to participate in district contests.  Orchestra will also cover the basics of music theory, music history, composition, and improvisation. *The prerequisite to this class is previous string instruction in the elementary schools or privately. If a student is interested in joining orchestra that hasn't played before, they will need to take private lessons until they have acquired the appropriate skills needed to play in the group. 

PHYSICAL FITNESS 6.........Semester – 1 Period per Day

Have fun while learning to maintain a healthy lifestyle! Students will be introduced to a variety of group and individual exercise programs and activities through a combination of physical activity and classroom instruction.  This course will cover the basics of physical fitness (cardiovascular endurance, flexibility, and muscular strength/endurance), as well as teaching students lifetime activities.

STEM 6.......... Semester – 1 Period per Day- Class fee $20.

This course will empower students to become innovators in the areas of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math. Students will follow the Engineering Design Process to create projects related to energy, robotics, computer science and more. Sample projects will use Lego Robotics, digital science sensors, and online coding platforms. Students will also explore STEM careers.


APPLIED TOPICS IN DAILY LIVING…………Full Year – 1 Period per Day

A course designed to teach life skills impacting daily living and personal-social skills. Students will receive education in caring for personal needs; getting around the community; understanding self-awareness and socially responsible behavior; and developing appropriate interpersonal skills. This course may also include instruction in content areas (math, English, etc.).

 APPLIED TOPICS IN ENGLISH…………Full Year – 1 Period per Day

A course designed to introduce concepts, expand English/Language Arts knowledge, allow application of skills, demonstrate proficiency in specific concepts, and maintain life skills impacting personal-social skills (maintaining good interpersonal skills and communicating with others). Students will receive instruction in listening and responding skills; communicating with understanding; knowing the subtleties of communication; and learning effective written/verbal language skills as they pertain to communication with others in a variety of personal, social, and occupational situations.
APPLIED TOPICS IN MATH……………Full Year – 1 Period per Day

A course designed to introduce concepts, expand Mathematics knowledge, allow application of skills, demonstrate proficiency in specific concepts, and maintain life skills in the math domain impacting vocational, domestic living, leisure and recreation curricular areas. Students will receive instruction in counting money, making change, estimating the value of objects, budgeting skills, and making purchases.

CORE MATH STRATEGIES 6………..Full Year – 1 Period per Day

Core Math Strategies provides small group instruction that reinforces classroom learning.  Lessons are designed to pre-teach upcoming units, as well as reinforce previously learned material.  Students that are performing consistently between the 10th and 20th%ile on assessment measures (i.e. Aimsweb, MAP) can be assigned to this course. In addition, teacher recommendations and standard scores are taken into consideration. Abilities will be assessed throughout the year using district assessments.  This class is an encore class and is in addition to their core Math course.

 READING/MATH STRATEGIES COMBO 6……….Full Year – 1 Period per Day

This class is a full year class that is meant to support students with needs in both reading and math. Students may move into and out of this class as improvements are made in the intervention. Students about one year below grade level would be considered for this class. Class size will remain small to ensure direct, explicit instruction is adequate in both areas of need. Reading instruction will include direct instruction on reading comprehension strategies and fluency development. Math instruction will include pre-teaching and re-teaching of grade level concepts that are being worked on in the core Math class. Remediation of math skills will take place as needed to support student growth and access to general education curriculum. This class is an encore class and is in addition to their core English Language Arts and Math classes.

 READING STRATEGIES 6.........Full Year – 1 Period per Day

Is a full year reading intervention course designed to meet the needs of students whose reading achievement is well-below the proficient level. The course addresses individual needs through direct teacher instruction, high interest reading material, and adaptive instructional software. It can be accessed by both seventh and eighth graders from general and special education populations. Depending on their proficiency level, some students might be in the course for two years. Students that are considered for placement would be two or more years behind grade level and/or struggle in comprehension and general literacy achievement.

 TRANSITION MATH 6………Full Year – 1 Period per Day 

This course utilizes the TransMath program.  This course has three levels beginning with Level I (4th and 5th grade standards) for 6th grade students, Level II (5th and 6th grade standards) for 7th grade students and Level III (6th, 7th and 8th grade standards) for 8th grade students. Students that are performing consistently between the 5th and 15th percentile on assessment measures (i.e. Aimsweb, MAP) can be assigned to this course. In addition, teacher recommendations and standard scores are taken into consideration. The course is designed to meet individual needs and help the student become proficient in mathematical concepts, computation, and problem solving.   This course is a replacement for their core Math class. The goal is for students to be Algebra ready by mastering each unit by high school, students that are not Algebra ready will take alternative placement math classes.

TRANSITION MATH STRATEGIES……….…Full Year – 1 Period per Day

Transition Math Strategies provides small group instruction that reinforces learning from their Transition Math course.  Lessons are designed to pre-teach upcoming units, as well as reinforce previously learned material.  Only students enrolled in Transition Math can take this course. This class is an elective class.